Ȩ ȸҰ ý Ʈ ũ
ۼ : 07-09-12 14:09
heartbeat HA-Cluster
 ۾ :
ȸ : 39,230  

linux HeartBeat ġ HA .

  nodename = DL380G2
 ̺ nodename = x86

 heartbeat HA ̿ Ͽ ȭ heartbeat DZ

  Ǿ Ѵ. Ǵ Ų heartbeat Ų.

 linux 2 1 (solaris) , Ŭ̾Ʈ (widows 2003)

HeartBeat {}

 download http://www.linux-ha.org/download

heartbeat-stonith-2.1.2-2.i586.rpm  lost+found

  5 RPM ٿε

 ⺻ Ű ü ġ Ͽ ġ.

[root@DL380G2]#rpm -Uvh --nodeps heartbeat-pils-2.1.2-2.i586.rpm 
[root@DL380G2]#rpm -Uvh --nodeps heartbeat-stonith-2.1.2-2.i586.rpm
[root@DL380G2]#rpm -Uvh --nodeps heartbeat-ldirectord-2.1.2-2.i586.rpm
[root@DL380G2]#rpm -Uvh --nodeps heartbeat-gui-2.1.2-2.i586.rpm
[root@DL380G2]#rpm -Uvh --nodeps heartbeat-2.1.2-2.i586.rpm

   --nodeps :

   -Uvh : Ű ġ

  Ű ش rpm ʿ ϴ ġ Ǿ ٸ
 Ű ġ Ҽ ִ.

libnet ġ{}

 download http://www.packetfactory.net/libnet/dist/libnet-1.1.3-RC-01.tar.gz

[root@DL380G2 data]gunzip libnet-1.1.3-RC-01.tar.gz
[root@DL380G2 data]tar xvf libnet-1.1.3-RC-01.tar
[root@DL380G2 data]cd libnet-1.1.3-RC-01
[root@DL380G2 libnet-1.1.3-RC-01]./configure --prefix=/usr/local/libnet
[root@DL380G2 libnet-1.1.3-RC-01]make
[root@DL380G2 libnet-1.1.3-RC-01]make install

HA {}

 HA ϱ ؼ ⺻ δ ʿ ϴ.. Ȱ RPM libnet ġ Ѵ.

 HA Ȱ Ѵ. /etc/ha.d (̺) ϸ ȴ.

 RPM ġ Ǹ

 /etc/ha.d 丮 Ǹ /etc/rc.d/init.d ؿ heartbeat ϰ ȴ.

[root@DL380G2]#cd /etc/ha.d

[root@DL380G2\ha.d]more README.config ==> ha.cf&haresources&authkeys ġ Ȯ.


[root@DL380G2\ha.d]cd /usr/share/doc/heartbeat
[root@DL380G2 heartbeat]# cp ha.cf /etc/ha.d/
[root@DL380G2 heartbeat]# cp haresources /etc/ha.d/
[root@DL380G2 heartbeat]# cp authkeys /etc/ha.d/

[root@DL380G2 heartbeat]cd /etc/ha.d
[root@DL380G2 ha.d]ls

  README.config  authkeys  ha.cf  ha.cf_old  harc  haresources  rc.d  resource.d  shellfuncs

ha.cf {}

[root@DL380G2 ha.d]vi ha.cf Ѵ. mv ha.cf ha.cf_old .

debugfile /var/log/ha-debug 
logfile /var/log/ha-log
logfacility     local0
keepalive 2
deadtime 30
udpport 694
bcast   eth0        
nice_failback on
node x86 - nodename
node x87 - ̺ nodename

ha-debug : ޼
ha-log : ޽
keppalive : 尣 󸶳 heartbeat ְ ΰ
deadtime : ׾ٰ Ǵ ϴ ð
logfacility :
udpport : Ʈ
bcast : heartbeat ̽
nice_failback : 尡 ϴٰ ׾ ο ڿ ̵.

   node ġ ... Ǵ ̺ ȴ. տ node Ͱ .

[root@DL380G2 ha.d]touch /var/log/ha-deug
[root@DL380G2 ha.d]touch /var/log/ha-log

haresources {}

   nodename Ȯ #uname -n ̸ Ѵ.

[root@DL380G2 samba]# uname -n
[root@DL380G2 samba]#

[root@DL380G2 ha.d]vi haresources

x86 httpd smb

  x86 - master nodename - ּ/Ŭ/ε ijƮ

  httpd smb - ( Ѱ ɼ ְ ڿ ִ.)

[root@DL380G2 ha.d]ln -s /etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd /etc/ha.d/resource.d/httpd   apache
[root@DL380G2 ha.d]ln -s /etc/rc.d/init.d/smb /etc/ha.d/resource.d/smb  samba

authkeys {}

 HA .

[root@DL380G2 ha.d]vi authkeys

auth 1
#1 crc
#2 sha1 HI!
1 md5 Hello!

#auth 1
#1 crc
#2 sha1 HI!
#3 md5 Hello!     ̷ Ǿ ִ. ⼭ auth 1 ּ Ǯ md5 Hello! ּ Ǭ տ 3

                  1 .

[root@DL380G2 ha.d]chmod 600 authkey

/etc/hosts {}

[root@DL380G2 etc]vi hosts DL380G2 x86


HeartBeat {̺}

 download http://www.linux-ha.org/download

heartbeat-stonith-2.1.2-2.i586.rpm  lost+found

  5 RPM ٿε

 ⺻ Ű ü ġ Ͽ ġ.

[root@x86]#rpm -Uvh --nodeps heartbeat-pils-2.1.2-2.i586.rpm 
[root@x86]#rpm -Uvh --nodeps heartbeat-stonith-2.1.2-2.i586.rpm
[root@x86]#rpm -Uvh --nodeps heartbeat-ldirectord-2.1.2-2.i586.rpm
[root@x86]#rpm -Uvh --nodeps heartbeat-gui-2.1.2-2.i586.rpm
[root@x86]#rpm -Uvh --nodeps heartbeat-2.1.2-2.i586.rpm

   --nodeps :

   -Uvh : Ű ġ

  Ű ش rpm ʿ ϴ ġ Ǿ ٸ
 Ű ġ Ҽ ִ.

libnet ġ{̺}

 download http://www.packetfactory.net/libnet/dist/libnet-1.1.3-RC-01.tar.gz

[root@x86 data]gunzip libnet-1.1.3-RC-01.tar.gz
[root@x86 data]tar xvf libnet-1.1.3-RC-01.tar
[root@x86 data]cd libnet-1.1.3-RC-01
[root@x86 libnet-1.1.3-RC-01]./configure --prefix=/usr/local/libnet
[root@x86 libnet-1.1.3-RC-01]make
[root@x86 libnet-1.1.3-RC-01]make install

HA {̺}

 /etc/ha.d 丮 Ǹ /etc/rc.d/init.d ؿ heartbeat ϰ ȴ.

[root@x86]#cd /etc/ha.d

[root@Dx86\ha.d]more README.config ==> ha.cf&haresources&authkeys ġ Ȯ.


[root@x86\ha.d]cd /usr/share/doc/heartbeat
[root@x86 heartbeat]# cp ha.cf /etc/ha.d/
[root@x86 heartbeat]# cp haresources /etc/ha.d/
[root@x86 heartbeat]# cp authkeys /etc/ha.d/

[root@x86 heartbeat]cd /etc/ha.d
[root@x86 ha.d]ls

  README.config  authkeys  ha.cf  ha.cf_old  harc  haresources  rc.d  resource.d  shellfuncs

ha.cf {̺}

[root@x86 ha.d]vi ha.cf Ѵ. mv ha.cf ha.cf_old .

debugfile /var/log/ha-debug 
logfile /var/log/ha-log
logfacility     local0
keepalive 2
deadtime 30
udpport 694
bcast   eth0        
nice_failback on
node x86 - nodename
node x87 - ̺ nodename

ha-debug : ޼
ha-log : ޽
keppalive : 尣 󸶳 heartbeat ְ ΰ
deadtime : ׾ٰ Ǵ ϴ ð
logfacility :
udpport : Ʈ
bcast : heartbeat ̽
nice_failback : 尡 ϴٰ ׾ ο ڿ ̵.

   node ġ ... Ǵ ̺ ȴ. տ node Ͱ .

[root@x86 ha.d]touch /var/log/ha-deug
[root@x86 ha.d]touch /var/log/ha-log

haresources {̺}

   nodename Ȯ #uname -n ̸ Ѵ.

[root@x86 samba]# uname -n
[root@x86 samba]#

[root@x86 ha.d]vi haresources

x86 httpd smb

  x86 - master nodename - ּ/Ŭ/ε ijƮ

  httpd smb - ( Ѱ ɼ ְ ڿ ִ.)

[root@DL380G2 ha.d]ln -s /etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd /etc/ha.d/resource.d/httpd   apache
[root@DL380G2 ha.d]ln -s /etc/rc.d/init.d/smb /etc/ha.d/resource.d/smb  samba

authkeys {̺}

 HA .

[root@x86 ha.d]vi authkeys

auth 1
#1 crc
#2 sha1 HI!
1 md5 Hello!

#auth 1
#1 crc
#2 sha1 HI!
#3 md5 Hello!     ̷ Ǿ ִ. ⼭ auth 1 ּ Ǯ md5 Hello! ּ Ǭ տ 3

                  1 .

[root@x86 ha.d]chmod 600 authkey

/etc/hosts {̺}

[root@x86 etc]vi hosts DL380G2 x86


linux samba . { & ̺ }

  ġ ü ġ ϸ samba ġ ȴ. ⼭ Ű ġ ʴ´.

[root@DL380G2 ha.d]cd /etc/samba
[root@DL380G2 samba]vi smb.conf
workgroup = MYGROUP
server string = Samba Server
security = share
comment = nfs
path = /nfs
writable = yes
security = share
guest ok = yes

[root@DL380G2 samba]/etc/rc.d/init.d/smb start


[root@x86 ha.d]cd /etc/samba
[root@x86 samba]vi smb.conf
workgroup = MYGROUP
server string = Samba Server
security = share
comment = nfs
path = /nfs
writable = yes
security = share
guest ok = yes

[root@x86 samba]/etc/rc.d/init.d/smb start

linux apache .  { & ̺ }
[root@DL380G2 samba]cd /etc/httpd/conf
[root@DL380G2 conf]vi httpd.conf


[root@DL380G2 conf]/etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd start


[root@x86 samba]cd /etc/httpd/conf
[root@x86 conf]vi httpd.conf


[root@x86 conf]/etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd start

linux 丮 . { & ̺ }

 ⼭ ϴ 丮 samba ̿ Ͽ Ҷ 丮 ϸ

  HA ׽Ʈ а Ҽ . ܺ ٸ ġ Ҹ .

 丮 solaris nfs ̿Ͽ .

 solaris nfs Խ

[root@DL380G2 ha.d]cd \
[root@DL380G2 ]mkdir nfs
[root@DL380G2 ]chmod 777 nfs
[root@DL380G2 ]mount -t nfs /nfs

[root@x86 ha.d]cd \
[root@x86 ]mkdir nfs
[root@x86 ]chmod 777 nfs
[root@x86 ]mount -t nfs /nfs


 HA /etc/rc.d/init.d/heartbeat ̿Ѵ.

 ̰ ϱ ؼ (DL380G2) ǰ Ŀ ̺ (x86)


[root@DL380G2 ha.d]/etc/rc.d/init.d/heartbeat start { }

 #### tail -f /var/log/ha-debug
heartbeat[5144]: 2007/09/12_13:49:25 info: Version 2 support: false
heartbeat[5144]: 2007/09/12_13:49:25 WARN: Logging daemon is disabled --enabling logging daemon is recommended
heartbeat[5144]: 2007/09/12_13:49:25 info: **************************
heartbeat[5144]: 2007/09/12_13:49:25 info: Configuration validated. Starting heartbeat 2.1.2
heartbeat[5145]: 2007/09/12_13:49:25 info: heartbeat: version 2.1.2
heartbeat[5145]: 2007/09/12_13:49:25 info: Heartbeat generation: 1189505769
heartbeat[5145]: 2007/09/12_13:49:25 info: G_main_add_TriggerHandler: Added signal manual handler
heartbeat[5145]: 2007/09/12_13:49:25 info: G_main_add_TriggerHandler: Added signal manual handler
heartbeat[5145]: 2007/09/12_13:49:25 info: Removing /var/run/heartbeat/rsctmp failed, recreating.
heartbeat[5145]: 2007/09/12_13:49:25 info: glib: UDP Broadcast heartbeat started on port 694 (694) interface eth0
heartbeat[5145]: 2007/09/12_13:49:25 info: glib: UDP Broadcast heartbeat closed on port 694 interface eth0 - Status: 1
heartbeat[5145]: 2007/09/12_13:49:25 info: G_main_add_SignalHandler: Added signal handler for signal 17
heartbeat[5145]: 2007/09/12_13:49:25 info: Local status now set to: 'up'
heartbeat[5145]: 2007/09/12_13:49:26 info: Link x86:eth0 up.
heartbeat[5145]: 2007/09/12_13:49:56 WARN: node x87: is dead
heartbeat[5145]: 2007/09/12_13:49:56 info: Comm_now_up(): updating status to active
heartbeat[5145]: 2007/09/12_13:49:56 info: Local status now set to: 'active'
heartbeat[5145]: 2007/09/12_13:49:56 WARN: No STONITH device configured.
heartbeat[5145]: 2007/09/12_13:49:56 WARN: Shared disks are not protected.
heartbeat[5145]: 2007/09/12_13:49:56 info: Resources being acquired from x87.
heartbeat[5152]: 2007/09/12_13:49:56 debug: notify_world: setting SIGCHLD Handler to SIG_DFL
harc[5152]:     2007/09/12_13:49:56 info: Running /etc/ha.d/rc.d/status status
mach_down[5181]:        2007/09/12_13:49:56 info: /usr/share/heartbeat/mach_down: nice_failback: foreign resources acquired
mach_down[5181]:        2007/09/12_13:49:57 info: mach_down takeover complete for node x87.
heartbeat[5145]: 2007/09/12_13:49:57 info: mach_down takeover complete.
heartbeat[5145]: 2007/09/12_13:49:57 info: Initial resource acquisition complete (mach_down)
heartbeat[5145]: 2007/09/12_13:49:57 debug: StartNextRemoteRscReq(): child count 1
IPaddr[5219]:   2007/09/12_13:49:57 INFO:  Resource is stopped
heartbeat[5153]: 2007/09/12_13:49:57 info: Local Resource acquisition completed.
heartbeat[5145]: 2007/09/12_13:49:57 debug: StartNextRemoteRscReq(): child count 1
heartbeat[5286]: 2007/09/12_13:49:57 debug: notify_world: setting SIGCHLD Handler to SIG_DFL
harc[5286]:     2007/09/12_13:49:57 info: Running /etc/ha.d/rc.d/ip-request-resp ip-request-resp
ip-request-resp[5286]:  2007/09/12_13:49:57 received ip-request-resp OK yes
ResourceManager[5307]:  2007/09/12_13:49:57 info: Acquiring resource group: x86 httpd smb
IPaddr[5334]:   2007/09/12_13:49:57 INFO:  Resource is stopped
ResourceManager[5307]:  2007/09/12_13:49:57 info: Running /etc/ha.d/resource.d/IPaddr start
ResourceManager[5307]:  2007/09/12_13:49:57 debug: Starting /etc/ha.d/resource.d/IPaddr start
IPaddr[5428]:   2007/09/12_13:49:58 INFO: Using calculated nic for eth0
IPaddr[5428]:   2007/09/12_13:49:58 INFO: Using calculated netmask for
IPaddr[5428]:   2007/09/12_13:49:58 INFO: eval ifconfig eth0:0 netmask broadcast
IPaddr[5428]:   2007/09/12_13:49:58 DEBUG: Sending Gratuitous Arp for on eth0:0 [eth0]
/usr/lib/heartbeat/send_arp: error while loading shared libraries: libnet.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
IPaddr[5428]:   2007/09/12_13:49:58 ERROR: Could not send gratuitous arps. rc=127
IPaddr[5402]:   2007/09/12_13:49:58 INFO:  Success
INFO:  Success
ResourceManager[5307]:  2007/09/12_13:49:58 debug: /etc/ha.d/resource.d/IPaddr start done. RC=0
ResourceManager[5307]:  2007/09/12_13:49:58 info: Running /etc/init.d/httpd  start
ResourceManager[5307]:  2007/09/12_13:49:58 debug: Starting /etc/init.d/httpd  start
Starting httpd: [  OK  ]
ResourceManager[5307]:  2007/09/12_13:50:03 debug: /etc/init.d/httpd  start done. RC=0
ResourceManager[5307]:  2007/09/12_13:50:04 info: Running /etc/ha.d/resource.d/smb  start
ResourceManager[5307]:  2007/09/12_13:50:04 debug: Starting /etc/ha.d/resource.d/smb  start
Starting SMB services: [  OK  ]
Starting NMB services: [  OK  ]
ResourceManager[5307]:  2007/09/12_13:50:05 debug: /etc/ha.d/resource.d/smb  start done. RC=0
heartbeat[5145]: 2007/09/12_13:50:07 info: Local Resource acquisition completed. (none)
heartbeat[5145]: 2007/09/12_13:50:07 info: local resource transition completed.

 #### tail -f /var/log/ha-log

heartbeat[5144]: 2007/09/12_13:49:25 info: Version 2 support: false
heartbeat[5144]: 2007/09/12_13:49:25 WARN: Logging daemon is disabled --enabling logging daemon is recommended
heartbeat[5144]: 2007/09/12_13:49:25 info: **************************
heartbeat[5144]: 2007/09/12_13:49:25 info: Configuration validated. Starting heartbeat 2.1.2
heartbeat[5145]: 2007/09/12_13:49:25 info: heartbeat: version 2.1.2
heartbeat[5145]: 2007/09/12_13:49:25 info: Heartbeat generation: 1189505769
heartbeat[5145]: 2007/09/12_13:49:25 info: G_main_add_TriggerHandler: Added signal manual handler
heartbeat[5145]: 2007/09/12_13:49:25 info: G_main_add_TriggerHandler: Added signal manual handler
heartbeat[5145]: 2007/09/12_13:49:25 info: Removing /var/run/heartbeat/rsctmp failed, recreating.
heartbeat[5145]: 2007/09/12_13:49:25 info: glib: UDP Broadcast heartbeat started on port 694 (694) interface eth0
heartbeat[5145]: 2007/09/12_13:49:25 info: glib: UDP Broadcast heartbeat closed on port 694 interface eth0 - Status: 1
heartbeat[5145]: 2007/09/12_13:49:25 info: G_main_add_SignalHandler: Added signal handler for signal 17
heartbeat[5145]: 2007/09/12_13:49:25 info: Local status now set to: 'up'
heartbeat[5145]: 2007/09/12_13:49:26 info: Link x86:eth0 up.
heartbeat[5145]: 2007/09/12_13:49:56 WARN: node x87: is dead
heartbeat[5145]: 2007/09/12_13:49:56 info: Comm_now_up(): updating status to active
heartbeat[5145]: 2007/09/12_13:49:56 info: Local status now set to: 'active'
heartbeat[5145]: 2007/09/12_13:49:56 WARN: No STONITH device configured.
heartbeat[5145]: 2007/09/12_13:49:56 WARN: Shared disks are not protected.
heartbeat[5145]: 2007/09/12_13:49:56 info: Resources being acquired from x87.
harc[5152]:     2007/09/12_13:49:56 info: Running /etc/ha.d/rc.d/status status
mach_down[5181]:        2007/09/12_13:49:56 info: /usr/share/heartbeat/mach_down: nice_failback: foreign resources acquired
mach_down[5181]:        2007/09/12_13:49:57 info: mach_down takeover complete for node x87.
heartbeat[5145]: 2007/09/12_13:49:57 info: mach_down takeover complete.
heartbeat[5145]: 2007/09/12_13:49:57 info: Initial resource acquisition complete (mach_down)
IPaddr[5219]:   2007/09/12_13:49:57 INFO:  Resource is stopped
heartbeat[5153]: 2007/09/12_13:49:57 info: Local Resource acquisition completed.
harc[5286]:     2007/09/12_13:49:57 info: Running /etc/ha.d/rc.d/ip-request-resp ip-request-resp
ip-request-resp[5286]:  2007/09/12_13:49:57 received ip-request-resp OK yes
ResourceManager[5307]:  2007/09/12_13:49:57 info: Acquiring resource group: x86 httpd smb
IPaddr[5334]:   2007/09/12_13:49:57 INFO:  Resource is stopped
ResourceManager[5307]:  2007/09/12_13:49:57 info: Running /etc/ha.d/resource.d/IPaddr start
IPaddr[5428]:   2007/09/12_13:49:58 INFO: Using calculated nic for eth0
IPaddr[5428]:   2007/09/12_13:49:58 INFO: Using calculated netmask for
IPaddr[5428]:   2007/09/12_13:49:58 INFO: eval ifconfig eth0:0 netmask broadcast
IPaddr[5428]:   2007/09/12_13:49:58 ERROR: Could not send gratuitous arps. rc=127
IPaddr[5402]:   2007/09/12_13:49:58 INFO:  Success
ResourceManager[5307]:  2007/09/12_13:49:58 info: Running /etc/init.d/httpd  start
ResourceManager[5307]:  2007/09/12_13:50:04 info: Running /etc/ha.d/resource.d/smb  start
heartbeat[5145]: 2007/09/12_13:50:07 info: Local Resource acquisition completed. (none)
heartbeat[5145]: 2007/09/12_13:50:07 info: local resource transition completed.

 ###heartbeat ϸ ΰ α׿ ۵ Ȱ Ȯ Ҽ ִ.

[root@DL380G2 ha.d]ifconfig Ȯ Ҽ ִ.

eth0:0    Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:0B:6A:20:27:0C 
          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
          RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
          RX bytes:0 (0.0 b)  TX bytes:0 (0.0 b)
          Interrupt:11 Base address:0xed00

[root@x86 ha.d]/etc/rc.d/init.d/heartbeat start {̺ }

 ̺ α Ȯ Ҽ ִ.


  ̺ ϰų ý ϸ ̺ Ǵ Ȯ Ҽ ִ.

[root@DL380G2 ha.d]reboot

[root@x86 ha.d]tail -f /var/log/ha-log
[root@x86 ha.d]tail -f /var/log/ha-debug

[root@x86 ha.d]ifconfig

eth0:0    Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:0B:6A:20:27:0C 
          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
          RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
          RX bytes:0 (0.0 b)  TX bytes:0 (0.0 b)
          Interrupt:11 Base address:0xed00

ǰ Ÿ ۵ ϴ ̴. ̰ ٽ heartbeat ϸ

̺ Ǿ ִ Ǵ ٽ ethernet ī忡 ǰ

Ȱ Ȯ Ҽ ִ.

windows arp

 heartbeat ׽Ʈ ϴ arp ̺ Ͽ ǰ Ǿµ ʴ´.


 c:\arp -d ==> arp ̺

 c:\arp -a ==> arp ̺ Ȯ

 arp ̺ ϸ Ƿ Ҽ ִ.


Total 106
ȣ     ۾ ¥ ȸ
76 ⰡƮ Ȯ ( ethtool )
2007/11/16 15311
75 Unable to find swap-space signature
2007/11/01 4239
74 lost+found
2007/10/16 9880
73 linux usb ν
2007/10/16 13057
72 bad block
2007/10/16 8006
71 2TB ̻ ý ϱ
2007/10/15 9852
70 heartbeat HA-Cluster
2007/09/12 39231
69 deamon - portmap
2007/08/28 7050
68 nfs udp ϱ.
2007/08/27 6857
67 linux MBR ϱ
2007/08/16 5840
66 linux rescue dd rescue
2007/08/16 5991
65 DL380 G4 smart array card 6 linux ġ.
2007/08/16 6204
64 DL380 G4 linux ġ.
2007/08/02 6090
63 HOW TO USE USB Storage in the Linux System
2007/07/16 4998
2007/07/16 7991
 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  
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